Call: (902) 407-6070
16-1432 Hammonds Plains Rd.
Hammonds Plains, NS
When people consider chiropractic care , they usually do so for specific reasons. Back repair and other forms of injuries related to the musculoskeletal system are the most common reasons to call a chiropractor.
But there are multiple other advantages of this treatment that you’ve probably never heard of, which can improve your health and quality of life immeasurably!
So, today we’re going to cover some of the hidden benefits of chiropractic care, ranging from improvement in your immune system to ensuring a healthier pregnancy.
It can Boost Your Immune System
Interference in the nervous system can prevent your brain and body from connecting and communicating properly. This stops the brain from being able to detect sickness and infection in the body and respond accordingly to defend it.
Studies have found that adjustments made in chiropractic care can clear this interference and improve your immune system responses. It can accelerate recovery from colds, sore throats, congestion, and more.
Overall, this boost to your immune system will help your body’s processes to function at maximum capacity and avoid being run-down from stress.
It can Improve Your Digestion
Specific misalignments of the spine have been shown to cause digestive issues by preventing proper digestion. This is because the nerves that control your digestion are connected to your lower spine. That’s where your
comes in as proper care can reduce inflammation and promote proper digestion.
Not all digestive issues are caused by lower back problems though. They can also be a result of poor diet or prescription medications.
However, if you are experiencing digestive issues concurrent with lower back pain,
chiropractic treatment
might be the right option for you.
It Increases Your Energy Level
If you’re constantly on the edge of being worn-out and exhausted, chiropractic treatment can be a great natural way to increase your energy levels in day-to-day life.
Fatigue and reduced energy levels are often caused by spine imbalances because it throws off the balance of your entire body and negatively affects your nervous system. Spine misalignment can force you to redistribute weight unequally, which requires your body to work harder to keep everything functioning normally.
Your chiropractor can realign your spine, fixing these imbalances and allowing energy to flow more evenly through your body.
It can Help You Breathe Better
A surprisingly common report amongst patients undergoing chiropractic care is improved breathing issues. The reason for this relates to all the issues that are treated by this technique—a misalignment of the spine and how that misalignment affects the nervous system.
It has been shown that realigning the spine can free your pinched thoracic nerves (a cluster of nerve fibers located in the chest). This in turn allows the lungs to expand and contract normally.
It Can Assist in a Healthier Pregnancy
Pain in the lower hips and back is one of the most common issues that women can face during pregnancy. Approximately 50% of all pregnant women will endure these aches and pains at some point before giving birth.
The physical changes that occur during pregnancy can drastically alter how you carry your body. The protrusion of your abdomen can curve your back further, and the alignment of your pelvis can also change toward the end of the pregnancy.
Thankfully, chiropractic treatments can address some of these issues and alleviate pain, making for an easier and overall healthier pregnancy. Your chiropractor can rebalance and realign your spine and pelvis, significantly reducing the pain.
Considering Visiting a Chiropractor?
Chiropractic care is for much more than just basic back pain.
If you’ve read this article and think you may be struggling with any of the issues listed above, it may be time to consider booking an appointment with us, at
Atlantic Chiropractic
based in Bedford, Nova Scotia.
Call us at 902.407.6070 or
book an appointment
with us through our website. Make sure to check our
Covid-19 protocols and screening process
before booking with us.
16-1432 Hammonds Plains Rd.
Hammonds Plains, NS